Blogger Interface Baru Macam serabut Jer....


Kalau korang perasan kan, kat Dashboard kita ada tulis
Blogger is getting a new look in April. Upgrade Now.
Tadi jari-jemari ni gatal sangat pegi halakan cik tikus kat tulisan Upgrade Now tu...
Hasilnya..... Ishhhhh serabut je mata ni tengok......
Terasa menyesal pulak pegi tekan menatang tu..... =(
Nasib baik godek punya godek, boleh balik kat Old Interface......

Alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tapi kannnnn.... April nanti dia tukar secara auto.....
Tak bestnyaaaaaa........

P/s : Kena belajar godek lagi nanti ni....

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Hello Kawan... Jangan Main Nak Nyanyi Je!!!!


Pagi ni pegi keje, longlai je rasa.....
Katak manalah panggil hujan time orang nak pegi keje ni???
Hehhehhe.. =D
Katak jugak yang salah...
Takpe, hujan itu Rahmat Tuhan.... Alhamdulillah....

Okay, bukan nak cakap pasal katak..
Korang penah dengar tak lagu It Will Rain by Bruno Mars???
Tak tahulah korang sedar ke tak, bait-bait lirik tu ada yang tak sepatutnya kita lagukan... (Ini untuk mereka yang beragama Islam)
Haaaaaaaaa..... Jangan main nak nyanyi je..........
Fahamkan dulu apa yang kita lagukan ye......
Sekarang ni banyak dah bait-bait lagu yang tak elok untuk kita....
Hati-hatilah ye kawan.....
Kadang sebaris perkataan je boleh membinasakan.....

Kat sini AJ sertakan lirik tersebut......

It Will Rain by Bruno Mars

If you ever leave me, baby,
Leave some morphine at my door
‘Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have,
We don’t have it anymore.

There’s no religion that could save me (AWAS)
No matter how long my leaves are on the floor
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I’m makin’
Will keep you by my side
Will keep you from walkin’ out the door.

Cause there’ll be no more sunlight
if I lose you, baby
There’ll be no clear skies
if I lose you, baby
Just let the clouds, I
I will do the same if you walk away
Everyday, it will rain

I’ll never be your mother’s favorite
Your daddy can’t even look me in the eye
Oooh if I was in their shoes, I’d be doing the same thing
Sayin there goes my little girl
walkin’ with that troublesome guy

But they’re just afraid of something they can’t understand
Oooh well little darlin’ watch me change their minds
Yea for you I’ll try I’ll try I’ll try
I’ll pick up these broken pieces ’til I’m bleeding
That’ll make you mine

Cause there’ll be no more sunlight
if I lose you, baby
There’ll be no clear skies
if I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds, I
I will do the same if you walk away
Everyday, it will rain

I’ll do the same
goodbye, don’t just say, goodbye
I’ll pick up these broken pieces ’til I’m bleeding
That’ll make it right

Cause there’ll be no more sunlight
if I lose you, baby
There’ll be no clear skies
if I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds, I
I will do the same if you walk away
Everyday, it will rain

P/s : Sekadar memperingati....

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Idea Di Mana??? Kosong Je Rasa....


Hari ni sunyi je blog ni....
Takde upadate apa-apa pun...
Sebab AJ memang langsung takde idea nak berceloteh...
Hehehhehehe... =D
Nak share berita pun, macam takde berita yang menarik je yang AJbaca pagi tadi.....
Penyudahnya, sampai sekarang ni masih kebuntuan....
Takkan sebab hari Isnin kan???
Kesian Si Isnin, acap kali dipersalahkan kalau mood Sang Manusia ke laut dalam...

Disebabkan takde idea, makanya pensel dan kertas menjadi mangsa...
Juga tetikus menjadi bahan permainan....
Hehehhehehe... =D

Start conteng-conteng....

Dengarkan lagu Kosong by Najwa Latiff ni...
Ini je sesuai kot menggambarkan kekeringan idea ni kot......

P/s : Nanti Idea Dah Ada, AJ Start Mengarut Balik Ye.... =P
(Waaahhhhh ayat bajet blogger femes gitu..=P)
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