Guide to getting a property in Singapore


With so many HDB BTO available in Singapore, it might be difficult to choose which estate you want to stay in. The 5 most hipster, or popular estates in Singapore are Tiong Bahru, Jalan Besar, Kampong Glam, Chinatown and Everton Park. Before you start researching for which estate to choose from, you will need to understand the process of getting a HDB in Singapore. This article will guide you through the steps in getting a HDB in Singapore.

1. Buying or renting

Firstly, you will need to decide on whether to buy a property or to rent a property. Buying a house and renting a house come with their own sets of pros and cons.

Pros of buying a house

a. Greater privacy
As this is your own house, you definitely have the whole place to yourself. You do not need to worry about sharing and losing your privacy. In addition, you are able to get things done the way you like it without having people telling you off. You do not need to deal with your housemates that are messy or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder housemates. After all, this is your house and it belongs to you.

b. Freedom
You are allowed to buy anything you want and have them in the house. There is also no need to fight for bathroom or kitchen when you need them. You are also in charge of your comfort as you are able to deal with problems immediately instead of waiting for the landlord to fix it for you, which may take a long time before it is fixed.

c. Good investment
If you do your research before buying a house, you will know that having a right house is an incredible asset. Not only it helps you to save money, it also increases in the value. If you are planning to live in it, you will not need to worry about paying for rental every month. It also provides a home for your family and you. However, if you plan to sell it off in the future, you will be making a profit if the price and timing are right.

d. Avoid unreasonable landlords
This is one of the most tedious issues that most tenants face - unreasonable landlords. Having a house on your own will save you from the problems caused by the unreasonable landlords. While some landlords can be really friendly and responsible, some landlords could be inconsiderate, unreasonable, exploitative and rude. Therefore, having a home on your own could help you to avoid all these problems of dealing with unreasonable landlords.

Pros of renting a house

a. No maintenance costs
The landlord is responsible for all the maintenance costs. For example, clogged drain, water leakage or faulty electrical appliances is under the landlord’s responsibility. You do not need to bear any cost unless the damage is caused by you.

b. Low upfront costs
Your upfront costs will be so much lower as compared to buying a property on your own, as you do not need to pay for down payment and monthly instalment for the house.

c. Low commitment
Renting a house also requires lower commitment as compared to buying a house. As you are only renting a house, all you need to do is find a house, contact the landlord, sign the tenancy agreement and you are done. If you do not like the house, you could always leave after the tenancy ends.

1. Types of properties

a. HDB Flats
HDB flats are the most common type of housing available in Singapore and it consists of approximately 80% of the residential properties available in Singapore. Most HDB flats come with 2 to 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and toilets. The size of HDB flats is approximately 700 sq ft to 1,300 sq ft.

b. Condominiums
Condominiums are privately owned properties in a gated compound. Those who prefer a condominium unit are mainly those who prefer the communal facilities available in a condominium, such as swimming pool, gymnasium, tennis court, BBQ area and so on. In addition, foreigners are allowed to own a condominium in Singapore.

c. Landed properties
Landed properties are catered mostly to those who need ample space. There are different kinds of landed properties in Singapore: terrace house, semi detached house and bungalows.

However, only Singapore citizens are allowed to buy a landed property as there are not many
landed properties in Singapore due to its size.

1. HDB Loan or Bank Loan

HDB loans are loans that are catered to Singaporean. The HDB loan interest rate is 0.1% more than the CPF rate, which is 2.6% as of 2016. However, HDB loans have it's terms and conditions that you will need to meet if you intend to apply.

HDB loan has a relatively stable interest rate as compared to bank loan. In addition, the loan to value for HDB loan is up to 90%. Buyers using a HDB loan can also use their CPF fund to pay for the down payment. There is also no penalties if buyer plans to pay off the home loan earlier. Most importantly, HDB loan is more lenient when it comes to late repayment. There will be a late payment fee of 7.5% per year if there is any late repayment.

As for a bank loan, you will then need to choose whether to get a fixed interest rate or a floating interest rate. Fixed interest rate are usually higher than floating interest rate, but they allow a certainty of fixing the same interest rate for a few years. As for floating interest rates, they can be really low but that is greatly dependant on the fluctuation of Singapore Interbank Offered Rate (SIBOR).

However, the loan to value for bank loan is only up to 80% as compared to HDB loan where it is up to 90%. In addition, buyer will have to include at least 5% of the property price in terms of cash for the down payment. In any event where the buyer plans to do early repayment within the commitment period, there will be a 1.5% penalty.

In conclusion, do think thoroughly before you decide on buying a property in Singapore. Make sure you set a budget and stick to it to prevent getting into a huge debt later on.

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Beraktiviti di Peladang Setiu Agro Resort, Kampung Guntung Terengganu


Beberapa minggu lepas AJ ke Terengganu untuk beraktiviti di Peladang Setiu Agro Resort yang terletak di Kampung Guntung selama 3 hari 2 malam. Perjalanan ke sana memakan masa lebih kurang 6 jam dari KL. AJ pegi kali ni bukan berseorangan tapi dengan geng #KelabBloggerBenAshaari. Pagi Jumaat kami berkumpul kat LRT Gombak. Walaupun ada sikit dugaan sebelum bertolak dan kami lewat dari plan asal, Alhamdulillah, berpandukan GPS jam 5 petang kami sampai kat Setiu. Jauh jugak rupanya Setiu ni. Huhuhuhuh.

Hari Pertama

Bende pertama bila sampai, terus ambil kunci dan check-in bilik. AJ dapat bilik Lake View. Bilik ni ada beranda yang menghadap tasik. Ada 1 katil queen dan 1 katil single lengkap dengan aircond, cerek air elektrik dan TV. Bilik-bilik kat sini takdelah setaraf hotel 5 bintang, tapi nak berehat, bersiap semua selesalah. Lepas berehat, bersihkan diri kami ke kafe untuk makan malam dan mendengar sedikit penerangan dari Encik Sanusi mengenai Peladang Setiu Agro Resort. Selain bilik, kat sini juga terdapat dom dan tapak perkhemahan jugak bagi mereka yang nak buat kem motivasi dan sebagainya.

Habis je makan, kami mulakan aktiviti yang pertama iaitu "Jungle Night Walk". Masa aktiviti ni kami dibawa memasuki hutan berdekatan. Dalam hutan tu memang gelap la, tapi jangan risau kalau nak buat aktiviti ni sebab kita akan diiringi oleh pelatih yang berpengalaman dan tahu selok belok hutan ni. Jalan dalam hutan tu adalah dekat 2 jam kot, entah tak sedar masa yang berlalu sebab masing-masing kalut kena serang dengan pacat. Sebelum kitorang masuk hutan tu pulak hujan sebelah petang memang pacat meriah la. Memula tak tau ada pacat, bila sorang dah kena... Masing-masing cuak! AJ? Tak kene pun serang ngan pacat tu, tak sempat dia nak naik dah kene cekup! Hihhihihihih.  Lebih kurang pukul 1 pagi, habislah aktiviti "jungle night walk" tu. Sampai bilik, mandi dan tidurlah. Esoknya aktiviti lagi menarik kot!

Hari Kedua

Ari kedua pulak seawal jam 8 pagi dah terpacak kat kafe untuk sarapan pagi. Lepas je sarapan, bergerak pulak ke tempat "flying fox". Sebelum mula, macam biasalah, ada taklimat keselamatan dari Pok Nik yang memang berpengalaman dalam bidang ni. Dari A sampai Z dia terangkan kat kitorang. Aktiviti ni memang AJ eksited sikit, dah kalau namanya penggemar aktiviti lasak kan. Hihihihi. AJ orang pertama yang buat aktiviti ni. Best gile! Rasa macam tengah terbang atas tasik je, sebab flying fox kat sini merentangi tasik depan bilik AJ tu. Kalau nak tau, 2 kali AJ buat flying fox ni. Siap record video, tapi sayangnye bila playback..... Video takde sound! Frust hakak dek non!

Lepas je aktiviti flying fox, kami semua kene tukar baju sebabnya kami akan dibawa ke Laguna Wetland untuk aktiviti mencari lokan, kupang dan scallop! Jap scallop dalam bahasa Melayu mende ek??? Oh tiram! Haaaaa, yang ni lagi eksited sebab pestime nak jadi nelayan. Ingatkan nak cari semua kat 1 tempat je, rupanya tak. Nak cari lokan korang kene pegi dalam area paya bakau dan guna alat khas untuk kais tanah. Bukan senang nak cari lokan rupanya, sakit pinggang terbongkok-bongkok kat dalam kawasan paya bakau tu! Hahahahaha.

Abis cari lokan, kami pegi pulak kat muara cari kupang. Cari kupang ni pakai tangan je, raba-raba je dalam air tu. Kalau ada rasa bende licin dalam tanah tu, itulah dia. Masa ni seronok, sebab sambil cari kupang, sambil main air. Siap berenang-renang pulak cari kupang ni. Hahahahaha. Seronok dia sampaikan mak bapak budak pun lupa diri okay! Walaupun matahari duk atas kepala, rileks je semua. Pelatih yang ikut kitorang pun  memang sporting abis, layankan je la perangai macam-macam kitorang ni. Hahahahaha.

Lepas dah dapat lokan dengan kupang, kitorang sambung pulak cari tiram. Yang ni mencabar sikit sebab kene pegi kawasan yang dalam sikit dan menyelam untuk bawak naik tiram. Pastu kan, tiram yang dibawak naik pulak bukan semua hidup. Ada yang mati. AJ pun berkali-kali bawak naik tiram yang dah mati. Hahahahha. Susah kot, dahlah tak nampak ape, dalam air tu pulak main raba-raba je. Tapi pengalaman ni berharga jugak buat AJ. Masa tengah menyelam nak kutip tiram tu kan, boleh dengar bunyi tiram tu tau. Tak tau la AJ nak explain kat korang camne bunyinya, tapi ada bunyi la. Kalau kutip tiram ni, untung-untung boleh dapat mutiara. Tapi AJ tak untunglah, sebutir mutiara pun tak nampak bayang!

Habis je aktiviti air, kami dibawa ke Desa Kekabu Inn untuk minum petang. Kat area Setiu tu ada banyak jugak tempat penginapan yang boleh korang stay, antaranya Desa Kekabu Inn ni. Ianya terletak kat tepi sungai je dan tak jauh dari air terjun. Diusahakan oleh Abang Din sekeluarga. Kat sini ada beberapa jenis bilik jugak. Kalau nak tau korang boleh google je Desa Kekabu Inn okay.

Balik je Peladang Setiu Agro Resort, kami berehat kejap dan bersiap. Malam kami nak bbq hasil tangkapan dan jugak sesi "sumbang" suara kat kafe! Time ni, masing-masing tunjuk bakat terpadam. Abis je semua terus balik bilik dan lena. Esok ada 1 lagi aktiviti sebelum balik KL woi!

Hari Ketiga

Pagi macam biasa, sarapan pagi kat kafe. Lepas sarapan get ready untuk aktiviti terakhir iaitu water confident dan berkayak. Aktiviti water confident tu memang wajib dibuat sebelum berkayak, untuk mengelakkan korang panik bila beraktiviti air. AJ yang dah 100 kali buat aktiviti air pun, masih lagi ikut water confident ni. Lain tempat, lain dia punya cabaran air. Masa aktiviti ni kan, kitorang kene terjun dari atas jambatan. AJ ingatkan memain je, sekali memang betul-betul kene terjun. Bab terjun ni memang kakak suka! AJ lah orang pertama terjun! Hahahahaha. Lpeas semua dah lulus barulah kami dibenarkan berkayak. Usai berkayak tamatlah aktiviti kami kat Peladang Setiu Agro Resort. Kalau ikutkan memang tak puas beraktiviti kat sana. Tapi nak buat macam mana, kene balik KL. Kerja hakiki tengah tunggu.

So kalau korang nak buat aktiviti macam kami kat Peladang Setiu Agro Resort, boleh hubungi pihak resort macam yang tertera kat bawah :

Lot 3912, Guntong 22040 Setiu Terengganu,
09-6920059/ 019-9192240
Email :

Sebelum AJ akhiri entri ni, AJ nak ucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak Peladang Setiu Agro Resort sebab menerima baik kedatangan kami. Minta maaf kalau ada kekurangan sepanjang kami berada disana. Terima kasih juga AJ ucapkan kepada para pelatih yang sabar melayan karenah kitorang. Dengan ada yang takut pacat, takut nak terjun jambatannya la, sabar je korang kan. Salute gila AJ, sebab diorang memang sempoi. Tak kering gusi jadimya ikut pelatih kat sini. Kelakar! AJ harap lepas ni, pihak Peladang Setiu Agro Resort tak serik nak ajak kitorang lagi. Okay jumpa lagi Terengganu!

P/s : Tengah bulan April ni, AJ ke Terengganu lagi. Nak tau kat mana? Tunggu update AJ okay!

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Wajah Baharu Royal Expert Advance Brightening Cream (REABC)


Royal Expert merupakan nama yang tak asing dengan rangkaian produk pencerahan dan penjagaan kulit sejak tahun 2009 lagi dan pernah mendapat pengiktirafan Malaysia Power Brand Award 2017. Bukan hanya berkembang di Malaysia, malah di Indonesia, India dan USA.

Pada 23 Mac 2018 nanti, Royal Expert akan menampilkan wajah baharu Royal Expert Advance Brightening Cream (REABC) dengan packaging dan design yang lebih trendy untuk pengguna setia dan juga mereka yang baru nak mencuba produk ni.

Kelebihan dan bahan yang terdapat dalam Royal Expert Advance Brightening Cream (REABC)

Banyak kelebihan yang terdapat dalam Royal Expert Advance Brightening Cream (REABC) antaranya memperbaiki struktur kulit, membantu menyelesaikan masalah kulit, mencerahkan kulit dan sebagainya. Kesannya boleh didapati seawal 7 hari penggunaan.

Antara bahan utama yang terdapat di dalam produk ini ialah Water (air), Stearik Asid, Propylene Glycol, Gliserin Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria), Asid Ascorbic, Alkohol Cetyl, Ascorbl Tetraisopalmitate, Zink Oksida, Titanium Dioksida, Ipomoea Hederacea Callus, Ekstrak Culture, Tocopherol, Lecithin, Isopropyl Palmitate, Asam Ainoethylphosphinic, Panthenol , Cyclomethicone, Dmdm Hydantoin, Asid Salicylic Niacinamide, Ekstrak Daun Barbadensis, Vitis Vinifera (anggur) Minyak Benih, Menthol Butylene Glycol dan Fragrance.

Kalau nak tau lagi, rumusan dan wajah baharu Royal Expert Advance Brightening Cream (REABC) bebas merkuri dan paraben! Ianya telah dibuktikan melalui ujian makmal yang telah dilakukan. Harga seunit RM135 sahaja boleh didapati di

Berita Baik! Berita Baik!

Kat sini juga AJ nak bagitau berita baik untuk korang! Pihak Royal Expert ada buat Facebook contest tau untuk semua orang tanpa mengira umur. Antara hadiah yang ditawarkan ialah :

❀ Pertama - Parkson Voucher bernilai RM 200 dan Royal Expert Advance Brightening Cream (REABC) 
❀ Kedua - Parkson Voucher bernilai RM 100 
❀ Ketiga - Parkson Voucher bernilai RM 50

Nak tau macam mana nak join korang boleh ikuti page Facebook : Royal Expert Group! Senang je syarat dia.

Selain tu korang boleh follow platform sosial media Royal Expert yang lain kat bawah ni jugak.
Instagram : @royalexpertgroup

Royal Expert sekarang ni dah ada stokis tau, korang boleh rujuk kat bawah ni untuk mengetahui stokis sah Royal Expert.

❀ Royal Expert Resource Centre PJ –
❀ Royal Expert Resource Centre JB –
❀ Royal Expert Resource Centre Cheras –
❀ Royal Expert Resource Centre Sabah –

Berminat untuk menjadi Wakil Jualan?

Dengan hanya  bermodalkan RM 500 (harga sebenar RM 3000), korang boleh melayakkan diri menjadi wakil jualan Royal Expert. Cepat amik peluang ni tau kerana ianya hanya terbuka kepada 100 yang terawal je!

Sebarang info atau pertanyaan :
Tel : +603 56135626
Email :

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